Went out with penghong yesterday, first, we went to the flea market, intend to shop for at least 30 mins or so, but the damn weather is soo hot ! go off after she has brought e shirt she wants. after which, went over to PoMo to eat. :D then walk to ps and shop around. we wanted to head to mustafa and off we go. reach farrer park and guess what. the people over is like "ren shan ren hai" damn a lot of people la. then we decided not to go mustafa anymore, so we head down to tampines, went to tampines since she never go before. (: we eat, talk and shop over there. saw hakim, hahaha. acc her to bishan market and i went to take circle line, look nice. this time i think i reach home in abt 40 plus mins? fast uh. i think its the first time i written so many thing on my blog? having exam tomorrow, so bless me uh. hahaha. Its always a blessing to have you around me, i enjoy your companion very much. thanks soulmate. (:
Enjoy the pictures! :D

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