Alright people,
im damn bored right now. nothing to do. let me tell you guys about some of my friend in my life.
Brothers. (:
Pri 5 buddy till now. (:
Word of wisdom always come from him. thanks dude! :D
Siong, Started out as dota kaki, lan kaki, speedy gang, to now classmate.(:
Tall guy, label knowledge from him. (: see his blog if you want to see him, i got link. (:
Hao, Forgot how i know him liao, classmate of siong, now same schoolmate. (:
(: Linked.
Andy, Classmate of siong also, Great guy, alway say sorry"? (:
Sorry sorry. (:
JianDong, Forgot how i know you liao. but who cares. (:
Clique 5 (:
PengHong, Schoolmates, Girl with a big head? (Its not that big actually la, disturb only. haha)
Soulmate. (: Do i need to say more? (:
Zhihui, Best friend of PengHong, Best friend of mine also. (:
Skinny girl, always so cheerful, no worries in life. :D
Zhengwei, Classmate,Tablemates. (:
DAMN TALL dude, kinda weird for me to hang around with him, he is so tall yet im short. LOL, but who cares anyway, Went through Wind and Water. :D
Weide,Laoshu, Friendly guy, suddenly just become friend, Pepper lunch crew. LOL.
Then for now, some of my online friend. (:
Cheryl, Band member, Suddenly pop out in my life. LOL.
Seowyi, Band member, suddenly pop out also.
Sometime siao siao one. super hype. :D
Alrights, shall end it. enjoy my post. sorry if i forgot to mention you, shall blog about you next time! :D